September 17, 2009

Where I Begin

Works on Paper Copyright © Jane Graf

I decided to start my blog, where I start my art.

I have many life distractions and therefore, find it difficult to break away from the madness to engage my creative side. The real world demands order, has a lot of rules and restrictions, and in contrast art requires creativity, spontaneity and no boundaries.

At a seconds notice I can drop the paint brushes and be back in the real world, however, I find it much harder to flip on the art switch. Therefore, I've had to learn to bridge that gap to effortlessly transition back to creativity.

I do this by going strait at the problem and engaging it fully. I don't pick up a pencil and doodle, I don't stare at a blank canvas, I don't write in a journal..., which I consider all step one moves, instead I jump strait to active work, that has a fast end result and that becomes a piece of art.

I self-start with ink blots. These are not the black messy ink blots found in the Rorschach Test. I've added color, creativity and experimentation to achieve a more sophisticated ink blot. I've been making ink blots since 2005 so I've had some time to improve my methods.

I sincerely admire the works of Max Ernst and I only aspire to reach his level skill using his decalcomania technique.

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